Posted by / Saturday 9 February 2019 / No comments

The roles and responsibilities of a wife (woman) in an African home

Mother, Son, Africa, African, Woman
The responsibilities of the wife in an African family are mainly supportive. Though there are specific duties that the wife is assigned to perform in the home, they mainly go to support the husband and to help maintain a good home. Some of the specific responsibilities of the wife are discussed in the under-listed paragraphs.

Being a good housekeeper
The greatest duty of a woman is first to be a good housekeeper. As part of being a housekeeper, she is expected to cook delicious meals for the husband, children and even for visitors. Hunger must never be any complaint of any member of the family. It is also part of her functions to ensure the cleanliness of the family members. This she does by ensuring the house is swept and kept clean and that the clothes of all members are washed clean. She washes her husband’s clothes for him and that of the children. As the children grow, however, she relinquishes parts of her duties to the daughters that have come age but remains responsible for what is done in her name for the husband.

Assistant to husband
Of all the duties bestowed on the man, the woman’s duty is to help her husband in running the house. She does this by assisting the man to make wise decisions through good counsel. When things are tough for the man, financially, the woman is expected to take up the role while the husband does all he can to get back on his feet.

 Woman, African, Black, Female, Ethnic
Socialization of the children
Another important function of the woman or the wife is to assist the husband in the training of the children, especially, the training of the girl-children. A girl is expected to grow into a woman capable of taking care of her husband’s home in the future. She must be able to prepare delicious meals like her own mother. All these skills to become a better woman can be easily transmitted by her mother. This is why the wife also has a hand in the socialization of the children.

Show respect, love, and care to the husband
One of the greatest needs of a West African man is respect from his wife. One of the most important functions of the wife is to accord this respect to the husband. She is also expected to love and care for him. She must be sympathetic towards his course for as long as it is in the best interest of the family. Humility must be her watchword in all dealings with the husband. She is also expected to be the symbol of unity in the home.

 Woman, African, Africa, Culture, Poverty
Provide the sexual needs of the husband
The wife is to ensure that she provides a legitimate means for the husband to satisfy his sexual urges. It is not an acceptable practice for the wife to deny her husband sex whether for pleasure or for procreation.

The roles and responsibilities of the father (husband) in a West African setting
The importance of families

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