Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 15 May 2018 / No comments
The reasons why people travel

Definition of travel
Travel simply means people moving from one geographical area
to another using different means of transport such as vehicles, trains, ships,
motorbikes, bicycles, or even travelling on foot. Some travellers just go
straight to a long distant destination while some hop, staying for short
periods at different locations before they finally reach their destination.
There is no specific period for travelling, people travel at any time that is
convenient to them.
Visit friends or relations
People travel in order to visit their friends and or relatives
in other parts of their own country or in other parts of the world far away
from their original homes. Children are sent to see their grand-fathers or
grand-mothers. People travel to be introduced to their mothers-in-law or
For Holidays
Some other people travel for holidays. They move away from
their comfort zone and move into very new areas just to relax and have some
leisure and pleasure. Some plan their travels over a long period of time and
save toward it so that they can have a memorable experience.
For health purposes
There is what is now called medical tourism. People travel to
get treatment for an aliment they are suffering from while others just travel
away from home for routine medical check-up. In many cases, people travel
elsewhere because the treatment for the diseases they are suffering from is not
available in their own area or country, hence the need to travel. Some too
travel to receive beauty therapy, a face lift or breast implant.
For business purposes or for shopping
Another reason why people travel is that they go to do
business. For example, businessmen or women from Nigeria travel to China or
Dubai to buy goods which they ship into Nigeria to be distributed on wholesale
basis. Some others do not buy to re-sell; they buy items they need personally.
People have insatiable taste for goods manufactures in other people’s country.
They are happy to travel from where they are resident to buy items of their
choice in other places. In sort, they travel to do shopping.
For conferences or meetings
Again people travel to attend conferences. For example, there
are several conferences on the calendar every year, organized by international
organizations such as the World Trade Organization and agencies of the United
Nations, etc. Some also travel to attend meetings, especially, business
To attend trade fares or exhibition
The reasons why some people travel is to attend trade fares; there
are trade fares on the calendar all year round and people select which ones
they want to attend. The trade fare could be right in one’s country or in other
people’s country. Others too travel to exhibit their works or goods. Artist,
for example, could travel with their works of art to exhibit at Art Galleries
around the world or locally.
For religious purposes
Also, people travel from the city to attend religious
festivals back in their hometowns. Some too attend religious conventions or go
on retreats or camps. The Muslims, for example, travel to Mecca every year on
pilgrimage as directed by their Prophet. Christians also visit Israel as a form
of pilgrimage. Adherents of other gods travel yearly to pay homage to their
To attend sporting events
The reason why some people travel is to watch, for example,
football matches or tournaments. Other sports disciplines also organize
competitions every year and people travel from their place of abode to watch
those sporting competitions in the area of athletics, tennis, cricket, rugby
etc. Some sports events include, FIFA Football Tournaments and meetings
organized by the International Amateur Athletic federation.
To acquire education
Yet again, some travel to acquire education. Young students
leave home for boarding schools to acquire secondary school education. Others
leave their country to acquire first or second degrees outside their country
either on scholarship or privately funded.
For purposes of self esteem
Finally, some travel because it boosts their self-esteem. In
the developing world like Africa, where majority of the people cannot afford
air tickets or even go through rigorous procedures to acquire visas to travel
to foreign countries, anybody who is able to do so is held in high esteem. So
travelling boosts the personal self-esteem of many people.
1. Highlight six reasons why people travel.
2. a. What is travelling?
b. Why do people
The economic benefits of tourism
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