Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 15 May 2018 / No comments
The importance of tourism statistics

Definition of tourism statistics
Tourism statistics
can be defined as the collection of data about every aspect of tourism, analyzing the data so collected and coming out
with an interpretation of what the data is saying with the view of making some
predictions based on findings from the analysis.
As a monitoring instrument
One of the reasons why tourism statistics is important is
that it serves as monitoring tool by which changes in the tourism industry can
be tracked over a period of time. There are rapid changes in today’s fast
moving world, not excluding the world of tourism; there is the need therefore
to track these changes. One of the ways of doing so is through tourism
Ascertain the effectiveness of tourism policy
Another important thing about tourism statistics is that it
can be used to determine whether a policy is effective or not. In order for a
country to make maximum gain from tourism, it has to develop certain policies
and set goals. In order to check if the policies are working and whether the goals
set are being achieved or not, there is the need for tourism statistics.
To design marketing strategies
Tourism statistics is important for business people because
it helps them to properly compete with their peers in the industry. Tourism is
a multi-million global business now and there are several players competing for
a share of the market. Tourism statistics can help them to design strategies to
help them better market their products to the world as they gradually increase
their share of the market.

Evaluation of management decisions
Tourism statistics also helps a management body to be able to
ascertain whether a decision that was taken is achieving the results expected.
At the beginning of each year, management sets goals for their company to be
achieved by the end of a period. From time to time, management needs to
evaluate the success or otherwise of the decision so taken. For companies in
the tourism sector, tourism statistics can help to make that determination.
For national policy formulation
Tourism statistics can provide a lot of information to guide
the formulation of national policies on tourism. For example, tourism
statistics can determine the demographics on domestic tourism, number of
tourists coming in or going out of a country. It can also profile visitors,
especially foreign tourists, places they visit, kinds of accommodation they
lodge in and their expenditure patterns.
All these information can serve as a huge resource in the formulation of
national tourism programmes.
Create knowledge about the performance of the sector
Every year in many countries, the presentation of the annual
budget contains information about every sector of the economy. The budget is
most likely to include information about the tourism sector. The Finance
Minister needs tourism statistics to determine how the sector had performed the
year before and what the plans are for the ensuing year.
1. a. What is tourism statistics?
b. in which six
ways is tourism statistics important?
The reasons why people travel
The economic benefits of tourism
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