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The operational principles of organization

Operational principles of organization describe the principles which concerns how the organization is run. The principles which can be classified as operational principles are as follows:
The Principle of adequate delegation
The principle of adequate delegation means that each manager or assistant manager must be given enough authority for him or her to be able to cope with the demand of his position and successfully deliver the outcome that is expected of him. This is because where the authority given to a manager is not enough for him to successfully cope with the requirements of his job that manager would likely be ineffective.
 The Scalar chain principle
Scalar chain principle implies that there should a command structure from the highest to the lowest authority. This principle is what forms the basis of the relationship between authority and responsibility among managers and their subordinates in the firm. The scalar chain principle if well understood and implemented helps to promote coordination and harmony among superiors and subordinates in the organization.
To ensure that the firm’s operations run smoothly, the scalar chain principle must be woven into the design of the company’s structure. 
 The Principle of unity of command
The principle of unity of command states that in order for the firm’s operations to be efficient, an employee must take orders or instructions from only one superior at any given time. It is important to observe this principle because it helps employees avoid being confused about their role and duties in the firm. When employees are clear about their role and duties, the whole firm benefits from their operational efficiency. 
The Principle of Authority-level or the Authority-level principle
The authority-level principle means that every manager at a given level in the firm’s management hierarchy should concern themselves with, and make decisions regarding only those issues which fall within the boundaries of the authority assigned to the management position which they occupy. Alternatively, if a manager at any level is faced with a problem or a decision which is not part of the duties or responsibilities falling under the authority of the position (s)he is occupying, then the matter should be referred (escalated) upward to the manager above him or refer the problem downward to the manager below him for a decision to be taken on the issue. 
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