Posted by Chester Morton / Thursday, 21 July 2016 / No comments
The negative effects of false identity and how to overcome it

False identity refers to the concept of a person pretending to be what he or she is not. For example, people pretend to be rich or come from rich families when they actually are
not. Another example is for one to pretend not to like a type of food when that
is not exactly the case.
Absence of help
When a person pretends to be what he/she is
not, people may not be ready to extend help to that person when the need arises. For example, when one needs information,
people may not be willing to give out the information because they assume one already
Difficulty in life
Anyone who lives on false identity
is likely to face different kinds of difficulties. For example, when a person is hungry, people may not
want to give the person food because the kinds of food available are the types he/she says he/she does not like.
Disgrace and shame
On many occasions, when people claim to be what they are not, it later leads to disgrace and shame. People have claimed to what they are not for such a long time that when they are busted, there is so much disgrace and shame to the person and even to their immediate family members. If, for example, one claims to be a doctor or a lawyer, such a person may be discovered by the
Medical Council or the Judicial Council and arrested and jailed.
Affects the future development of the person
A person who is arrested for misrepresenting him or herself could jeopardize his or her future. This is true especially when the person is jailed for a period of time.
Affects the future development of the person
A person who is arrested for misrepresenting him or herself could jeopardize his or her future. This is true especially when the person is jailed for a period of time.
Discovering one's capabilities
One of the ways one can get out of the problems of false identity is for the person to discover his/her capabilities. When this is done, it can help the person to develop such capabilities and make good use of it to become very useful to society. For
instance, if one discovers that one has the capabilities for acting, one can
educate and train in subjects that can lead to the profession of an actor.
Discovering one's weaknesses
Discovering one’s weaknesses can also be useful
to an individual. This is because when one discovers he or her weakness, it can help to correct and overcome them. For example, if one discovers he/she is a drunkard,
a thief or is arrogance, one can correct these shortcomings and be able to
relate well in society.
Making the right choices
When a person discovers his or her capabilities, it can help that person to make the right choices in life. This would make that individual
self-reliant, trustworthy and a responsible member of the society.
Acknowledgment of weaknesses
When an individual acknowledges his/her
strengths and weaknesses, it helps him/her to behave in ways that do not
attract negative comments.
Knowing who we are
It is said by someone that man must know himself. This is because, when the person knows him or herself, that individual is able to
appreciate and accept the views of other people.
Accepting one’s self
Another way of assuaging the negative effects of false identity is for one to know him/herself. When a person is conscious of him or herself, that
individual is able to understand and accept him/herself. As soon as the individual accepts him/herself and his limitations,
that individual learns not to worry about the abilities that he/she does not possess.
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