Posted by Chester Morton / Monday 22 February 2016 / No comments
The teachings of James on impartiality
According to James, Christians should do away with partiality as they hold on to the faith of Jesus Christ.
James admonished the people to show equal attention to the
rich and to the poor among them. For example, he said if any rich man comes to
the church he/she must not be accorded more attention than he deserves and the same
not shown to the poor who comes to the same church.
According to James, if anybody fails to demonstrate the
the virtue of impartiality, that person makes a distinction among them and has become
a judge with evil agenda.
James reminded the people that God has chosen the poor in
the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom that has been promised
to those who love him.
He recalled how the rich maltreat the poor in many ways, for
example, how the rich oppress the poor and drag them to court.
He drew the attention of the people to the royal law which
states that one should love his neighbour as himself.
He told them that partiality is sinful.
To James, anybody who observes the whole law but fails in one
is guilty of breaking all the law. For example, God says there should be no adultery
and also says thou shall not kill. If therefore, you do not commit adultery
but you kill, it means you have broken all the other laws.
James appealed to the leaders to speak and also act like
those who going to be judged under the law.
Finally, he said judgment is without mercy to those who do
not show mercy, yet mercy triumphs over judgment.
1. a. How did James deal with the problem of impartiality in
the church?
b. In which two
ways does the church short of the standard which James recommended?
2. a. What did James teach on partiality?
b. Identify two
effects of partiality in society?
1. It brings about disunity in the church.
2. It retards the prayers of the church.
3. Some people feel unwelcome in the church so they just
leave the church.
4. It brings about the division in the church. Some members
break away.
5. Grumbling and complaints may prevent the church from
realizing some of its goals.
6. Discrimination can lead to apathy, where some members are
not committed to some church programmes.
7. It can make the work of church leaders very difficult. They
are not able to get the full commitment of some church members.
8. It does not make create the best environment for the
talents of the church members to be optimally utilized.
9. It creates discord in the church and society.
1. It is common to see the rich given special seats in some
2. Mostly, the rich are made to chair fund-raising functions
in the church.
3. Election of some prominent positions in the church goes
along tribal lines.
4. Funerals of the rich are often well patronized by the church,
but this is not always the case for the poor.
5. Appointment to positions in the church today is not always based
on merit.
6. Allocation of seats in the church during special occasions
is not based on morality but how much one can contribute to the church coffers.
7. The financial contribution of the poor in the church is
not recognized as that of the rich.
1. One of
the ways of fighting against it are by speaking out against it in whatever form
it manifests.
2. Another
way of fighting partiality is by using the mass media and social media to
launch a protest against it.
3. Thirdly,
all Christians must manifest impartiality in their daily lives as a way of
promoting or fighting against it.
James' teachings on effective prayer
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