Posted by Chester Morton / Monday, 22 February 2016 / No comments
The religious reforms of king Josiah

King Josiah became the king of Judah at the age of eight. His
reforms were carried out in the eighteenth year of his reign. His reforms
brought about a reversal of the religious and political policies of his
The reform was necessitated by the discovery of the Book of
the Law in the wall of the Temple during renovation work. The secretary,
Shaphran told the king about the discovery of the Book of the Law. The king
asked the High Priest, Hilkiah to check if the Book was genuine. This was done.
They also consulted the Prophetess, Huldah who told the king that if the
contents of the Book of the Law were violated, it was going to bring evil upon
The king, Josiah and his elders made a covenant to respect
the content of the Book of the Law and to go according to what was contained in
Josiah abolished the worship of Baal and Asherim. He
destroyed the high places. Religious officials were removed from their
positions and the Levitical priesthood was centralized in Jerusalem.
The king abolished the worship of the Assyrian astral cult
and the worship of the Ammonite deity called Milcom.
King Josiah stopped child sacrifice in the valley of Hinnon
and also the practice of cult prostitution.
The king also put away the practice of consulting mediums,
wizards, fortune tellers, and augury.
He removed alien objects from the Temple, for example, the
male god Baal, the female goddess Asherah. He removed the horses dedicated to
the Sun god.
King Josiah abolished the sanctuaries of High places outside
Jerusalem and demoted their idolatrous priests.
He defiled the altars of the heathen shrines by killing
their priests on their own altars and burning the human bones on the altars.
The king extended the reform to the Northern kingdom. There,
the golden calf created by Jeroboam, the son of Nebat and its Asherah were
He came back to Judah and reinstated the Passover and
Sabbath celebration.
Josiah’s reforms were significant for many reasons.
The reforms centralized the worship of Yahweh in Jerusalem
and this resulted in the purification of the worship of Yahweh.

The reforms led to the re-establishment of the religious and
political independence of Judah and Israel from Assyrian domination.
The reforms offered Yahwism a breathing space. It also
improved public morality and the administration of justice.
There were, however, a few downsides to the reforms. For
example, the priests of the outlying sanctuaries became jobless as a
result of the centralization of worship in Jerusalem as the only legitimate
sanctuary. The priests concerned were dissatisfied and disgruntled after the
outlying shrines were abolished.
The reform led to the creation of an elite priesthood, who monopolized
worship in Jerusalem and those in the outlying areas became subordinated to
those priests in Jerusalem.
The reforms succeeded in organizing religious activity but
it failed to result in a genuine spiritual revival. The reform was superficial
and the people became hypocritical.
Lessons for Christian leaders
1. Christian leaders need to purify the worship of God.
2. Christian leaders must avoid religious syncretism.
3. Christian leaders must trust in God.
4. Political independence must be accompanied by religious
The significance of the reforms
The centralization of worship in
the Jerusalem temple led to the purification of Yahwism.
The priests in the countryside
became dissatisfied because they lost their jobs.
The reforms also led to
“classism” among the priests, which is the elite who monopolized worship in
It also re-established the
religious and political independence of Judah and Israel from Assyrian
It marked the end of the dominant
influence of foreign culture and religious practices in Israel.
Finally the Passover and the
Sabbath was celebrated in Jerusalem.
On the whole, the reform was
based on the conviction that unless the people of Judah repudiated the
syncretism, Judah would suffer the same calamity as the Northern Kingdom.
However, the reforms were not
thoroughly successful. It led to hypocrisy and false security. Emphasis shifted
from true spiritual renewal of the covenant to external or outward show.
1. a. Describe Josiah’s immediate response to the discovery
of the Book of the Law in the temple.
b. In what two
ways is the religious situation today similar to that of Josiah’s time?
I. Crimes and various vices are prevalent in
the churches today.
There are many corrupt practices in the churches today.
III. There are
people we look at and think they are practicing Christianity but are doing
something else.
2. a. How did Josiah react to the content of the Book of the
Law found in the house of the Lord by Hilkiah?
b. State any four
of Josiah’s reforms.
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