Posted by / Tuesday 1 November 2016 / No comments

The role of traditional rulers in modern Ghana

This is the traditional system of government that exist in the localities other than the modern governance systems. The Chieftaincy Institutions are headed by traditional rulers who are appointed and installed by the king makers. 


Advisory role
The chieftaincy institution is a unique one and needs tact and wisdom to deal with. For this reason, any government in power needs wisdom to administer its workings. Chiefs, for that matter, offer advice to government on matters relating to chieftaincy and customary matters. 

Symbols of unity
Another role of the chiefs is that they are able to hold the community together. As the unifying force in their respective communities, chiefs unite and create harmony among the people in their various chiefdoms.  The chiefs are able to keep their people together. 

Link between their people and government
The chiefs ensure that information about government policies is disseminated to their people. At the same time, the chiefs help to transmit the feelings, opinions or grievances of their subjects to the government. In that case, it can be concluded that the chiefs serve as a link between the people and the government.

Instruments of development
The chiefs are agents of development. This is because they are able to mobilize their subjects to initiate development projects and to execute them, sometimes, through communal labour. The chiefs are able to construct foot-bridges, markets, community health facilities, police stations, etc, using the same model.

Reduce the work-load of the judiciary
Another role of the chiefs is to settle disputes between parties in their communities. As a human institution, with subjects under them, there is bound to be misunderstanding between one party and the other. The chiefs settle many of these conflicts to restore peace in their chiefdoms. Cases that are satisfactorily settled by the chiefs do not find their way to the modern courts. So one can argue that it reduces the work of the judiciary.

Holders of land in trust for clans and families
The chiefs serve as custodians of the land belonging to the community. The traditional lands are held in trust for the people by the chiefs. So they have the power to determine how it is used but must follow time tested traditionally laid down procedures. . 

1. Highlight six functions of the chiefs in Ghana today. 

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