Posted by / Friday 11 March 2016 / No comments

Jesus' encounter with the three prospective disciples


One day, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. A man met him and said he wanted to follow him. Jesus told the man that foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has no place to lay his head.

Jesus himself asked another man to follow him but the man said he should be allowed to go and bury his father before he comes to follow Jesus. Jesus told him that he should allow the dead to bury their dead. Jesus told the man to go and spread the word of God.

A third person said he was willing to follow Jesus, but he should be allowed to go and inform family and say farewell to them before following. Jesus told this would-be disciple that anyone who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom.

1. The man who demanded to follow Jesus thought it was a thing of pleasure to follow Jesus as a disciple. So the answer Jesus gave was to let this man know that following him was a sacrificial thing and it is full of suffering.

2.  Another man said he wanted to go and bury his father. When Jesus said let the dead bury their dead, he was saying that the disciples must forget about the cares of the world they are leaving behind as they followed Jesus. The disciples must be ready to give up everything.

3. Another man wanted to go and bid goodbye to his family before he comes to follow Jesus. Jesus’ reply means that following him required a total and full commitment. Every other relationship is less important than the relationship with God.

1. a. What demands did Jesus make of the prospective disciples he encountered?
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