Posted by / Friday 11 March 2016 / No comments

Peter's denial of Jesus

Sculpture, Christ, Figure, Jesus Christ

When Jesus was arrested and led away by the guards of the High Priest, they led him into the Court Yard of the High Priest. The rest of the disciples had deserted Jesus except for Peter. He had followed the arresting party at a respectable distance until they entered the Court Yard.

Peter sat in the Court Yard. Then a maiden came to him and said he, Peter was also with Jesus, the Galilean, but Peter said he did not know what the girl was talking about. Then Peter left the Courtyard and went into the porch.

Another maid saw him and said to the bystanders that Peter was also with Jesus from Nazareth. Again, Peter denied with an oath that he did not know Jesus.

After a little while the bystanders themselves approached Peter and accused him of being with Jesus. They said Peter was surely with Jesus. They insisted by saying even his accent betrayed him. Peter begun to swear and to curse that he did not know Jesus. 

Immediately, the cockerel crowed and Peter remembered what Jesus had said at the last supper that before the cockerel crows, he would have denied him. Then he went out and wept bitterly.

When Jesus was arrested and led away by the guards of the High Priest, they led him into the Court Yard of the High Priest. The rest of the disciples had deserted Jesus except for Peter. He had followed the arresting party at a respectable distance until they entered the Court Yard.

The people had set a fire in the middle of the courtyard and were warming themselves. Peter also sat among them. A maid looked at Peter closely and said he was also among Jesus’ disciples but Peter said he was not.
After a while, a man saw Peter and said he was also part of Jesus’ disciples but Peter said “Man, I am not.”
After about an hour, another man said with confidence that Peter was one of the twelve because he was a Galilean. Peter denied again and said he did not know what they were talking about. 

As Peter spoke the cockerel crowed and Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him that before the cockerel crows, he would have denied him three times. Then he went out and wept bitterly. 

1. Peter was a man with an ambivalent character.
2. At this stage, Peter was a man who lacked courage.
3. Peter lacked reliability.

1. a. Give a vivid account of how Peter denied Jesus three times.
    b. In which three ways do Christians of today deny their fellow Christians?
2. a. Describe Peter’s denial of Jesus.
    b. What three character traits of Peter were revealed in the account?

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