Posted by / Friday 11 March 2016 / No comments

The call of the disciples


Jesus was walking by the Sea when he saw Peter also called Simon and his brother Andrew casting their into the Sea because they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Peter and Andrew reacted swiftly by leaving their boat and following Jesus.

Walking further, Jesus met two brothers, James and John his brother who were sons of Zebedee. They were helping their father to mend their nets. Jesus asked them to follow him. Immediately, they left their father and the hired servants and followed Jesus.

Jesus became popular in the entire region and people brought to him the people who were suffering from all kinds of diseases to be healed.

Another time Jesus went to the Sea side and taught the crowd. As he passed by the tax office in Capernaum, Jesus saw Matthew or Levi sitting in the tax office. Jesus told Matthew to follow him. 

Later, Matthew hosted Jesus and other tax-collector friends of his at a dinner. Later, he also joined Jesus.

The other disciples were added by Jesus later to make the number 12. They included, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.

1. Total sacrifice is demanded both in the physical and in the spiritual realm.
2. Full commitment is demanded.
3. The would-be disciple must take instant action. There must be no delay.
4. The would-be disciple must allow him/herself to be distracted by anything.
5. There must be complete loyalty to God.
6. The would-be disciples must not count the cost of following Jesus.
7. They must be willing to give up everything to follow Christ.

1. Jesus needed the disciples to continue his work after he had gone to heaven.
2. He needed them to plant the seed of Christianity.
3. Jesus needed them as a witnesses to his message.

1. a. Give an account of the call of the first four disciples
    b. State three reasons why Jesus required disciples.
2. a. Describe the call of the twelve disciples?
    b. In which three ways are men of God called today?
3. a. Narrate the story of how Jesus called his first five disciples.
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