Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 20 March 2018 / No comments
The Legal Framework in which Businesses Operate - Conditions for a contract to be valid

The Legal Framework in
which Businesses Operate
The legal framework refers to the set of guidelines, rules of
conduct and regulations within which any entity operates. Similarly, the
business legal framework describes the set of laws which guides the conduct of
business activities in a country. Any business within this legal space must
carry out its activities bearing in mind that the laws which guide how business
is done in a country must be obeyed since these laws are enforceable in the
For businesses to continue to exist in a country or a region,
they must demonstrate that they are committed to obeying the laws which govern
doing business in that country. A business organization which is not committed
to operating within the legal framework of its host country is bound to have
problems going forward.
A contract is a voluntary, deliberate, and legally binding
agreement between two or more competent parties. In the business environment, a
contract will usually be between two business organizations or between two
parties. Although contracts are often
written documents, they can also be verbal or implied in a business transaction
between two parties.
In doing business, contracts are generally related to
employing a worker, selling or buying goods and services, leasing a business
premise or equipment.
For a contract to be valid the following conditions must be
There must be an offer
An offer in the law of contract means that one party promises
to provide some form of benefit if the other party performs certain service or
provides a given good. For example, when Mr. James promises to pay 200 USD to
Mr. Goodman if Mr. Goodman will perform certain work to ensure Mr. James’ air
condition is working there can be said to be an offer.
It must be understood that an offer can be revoked or
cancelled. For instance, Mr. James can say that he will no longer be able to or
willing to pay the 200 USD and therefore Mr. Goodman should not work on his air
Another thing we must know about an offer is that it can be
negotiated to create a counter-offer. Let say Mr. James wanted to buy a new house
in the city of Lagos. Looking through some adverts placed in the local
newspaper, the guardian he found what
seemed to be a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood. This advert is in fact
an offer by the homeowner to sell his house to anyone who may be willing to
buy. This offer is just one of the many elements which make a contract valid.
If Mr. James is serious about buying this house, he could in turn make a
counter offer of 200,000 USD if Mr. Koomson originally priced his house at
250,000 USD.
There must be an
acceptance of the offer
When an offeree (in our house purchase case, Mr. James),
agrees to be mutually bound by the terms under which Mr. Koomson will be
willing to give his house out in sale to another party, by giving something
valuable such as money to make the transaction complete then we say there is an
acceptance of the offer.
Although in law one must be able to tell objectively whether
Mr. James has accepted the offer made by Mr. Koomson, this acceptance can also
be inferred from Mr Jame’s behaviour.
There must be a
Consideration basically refers to the benefit which is
bargained for between the parties involved in the contract. Explained in
another way consideration is the main reason the two parties are entering into
the contract in the first place. In our previous example the consideration
(benefit) to Mr. James is owning a house but to Mr. Koomson it is to be able to
raise the amount of 200,000 USD to do whatever he wanted to do with this money.
It is very important to note that what is outlawed or illegal
cannot be taken as a consideration. For example, you cannot pay someone to
breakdown another person’s apartment if breaking such an apartment is illegal
according to the laws of the nation. A contract of such nature can therefore
not be enforceable before a judge.
Where a consideration (benefit) is found to be worth less
than expected we say there is a “Failure of Consideration”. A contract may be
therefore undone based on such a reason.
There must be mutuality
When there is an understanding between the two parties
entering into a contract we say there is mutuality in the contract. The
principle of mutuality in contract states that both parties must be bound by
the terms of the contract or neither of them should be bound. A lack of
mutuality means that both parties do not have a common understanding of the
terms of the contract.
There must be legally acceptable
Finally, for a contract to hold there must be legally
acceptable terms the element of
legally accepted terms means that all terms in the contract must be legally
tenable in court. If a company enters into a contract to perform an illegal
business this is not legally acceptable and therefore cannot be enforced in a
court of law.
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