Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday 22 November 2016 / No comments
The functions of the executive
The Executive can be defined as that
arm of government that is responsible for the formulation and implementation of
Policy formulation and implementation
One of the functions of the executive
is to formulate and implement policies that will ensure that the country is
administered properly. This mandate is carried with the help of the country’s
Civil Service.
Maintain law and order
Another function of the Executive is to
maintain law and order with the confines of the country. This is to ensure
internal security for development to flourish.
Give assent to bills
One other function of the executive
is sign bills into law. It is true that laws are passed in Parliament after it
has been discussed but that law cannot become effective if the executive does
not assent to it. In this sense, the Executive is performing a legislative
Preparation of annual budget
It is the duty of the executive to prepare
the annual budget and present same to the Parliament for discussion and
approval. By doing so, the Executive is performing financial functions of the
state. After it is approved, it is the Executive is the organ that implements
Appointing power
Most of the appointees of government
are appointed by the Executive. Consequent to this, the Executive also has the
power to promote, transfer or dismiss people. Within the confines of the law,
therefore, it is the Executive that decides who works where in both the Civil
and Public Service.
Ceremonial functions
Part of the duties of the Executive
is to confer honours on deserving citizens and institutions. The Executive
performs other ceremonial functions like taking salute national parades and the
receipt of Heads of State from other countries.
1. Highlight six functions of the
Executive arm of the state.
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