Posted by Chester Morton / Monday 18 July 2016 / No comments
Amos condemns the religious life of Israel
Amos was among the shepherds of Tekoa. He prophesied during
the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah and Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of
Israel. Amos prophesied against the bad things that were going on in his
society at the time.
Practices condemned by Prophet Amos
Amos condemned his people for selling the righteous for
silver and the needy for a pair of shoes.
He spoke against the rich who trampled on the heads of the poor
into the dust of the earth and did not care about the plight of the afflicted.
He accused the people of the practice where a man and his son sleep
with the same woman and profane the Holy name of God.
He criticized how the people bowed themselves down beside every altar in dresses
that they took in pledge from their people.
In the house of their God, they drunk the wine of those from
whom they had taken fines in the form of wine.
Oppression of the poor by the wealthy
Today, many people are still paid poor salaries and wages for
services they render to their masters or employers.
Cheating in business
There are rich and influential businessmen who have edged the
poor out of business. They trample upon their rights as small businessmen with
Opulent Luxury in the face of poverty
Today, the rich continue to build palaces and pile up wealth
at the expense of the poor. They buy luxurious cars and live large while the
poor live in abject poverty.
1. a. Describe any three practices which Amos condemned in
the religious life of Israel.
b. Indicate three
practices he recommended in their place.
2. a. Describe the social life of Israel during the time of
b. Mention four
vices condemned by Amos which are still rampant in your society.
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