Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 21 June 2016 / No comments
Why the powers of the chiefs declined under colonial rule

Usurpation of powers by colonial institutions
The powers of the traditional rulers to make
laws were taken by the Legislative Council while their power to formulate and
implement policies were usurped by the colonial Governor and his Executive
Council. When the colonial powers introduced British courts, it also took away
the powers of the chiefs to adjudicate disputes. Naturally, the traditional powers of the chiefs were eroded.
Introduction of Christianity
With the introduction of Christianity, many locals
were converted. As these converts grew in the Christian faith, they started to frown on the traditional and rituals practices
performed by their traditional rulers. The pouring of libation and ancestral worship
were against the doctrines of Christianity and the new converts did not want to have anything to do with them. This eroded the influence of the traditional
rulers as the spiritual authorities of their people. Many people now looked to the Reverend Ministers and evangelists.
Appointment of traditional rulers
The enstoolment and destoolment of chiefs were brought under the control of the British colonial masters. The appointment of
traditional rulers depended on the Native Administration Ordinance, Native
Authority Ordinance and Native Jurisdiction Ordinance. This was contrary to
traditional norms and customs. Since the power to make or unmake chiefs laid in the hands of the British, and they even had the powers to exile those chiefs who were proving stubborn, naturally, the powers of the chiefs declined.
The policy of Indirect Rule
The policy of Indirect Rule, introduced by the
British colonial masters also contributed to the reduction of the power and
prestige of the traditional rulers. The chiefs implemented policies of the
colonial masters, some of which were unpopular, such as, the collection of
taxes, military conscription, and forced labour. The people did not see how their own chiefs, with the support of the white subject them to such treatment, naturally this reduced the esteem of the
chiefs before their own people.
Western education
The introduction of western education by the
colonial authorities also contributed to the decline of the powers and influence of
traditional leaders. Education produced an elite class of people who despised traditional
norms and values and those who championed it. This was because they felt such practices were not in line with the knowledge they had acquired. The reduced the powers of the chiefs before the educated.
Influence foreign culture
Western education was accompanied by western culture and western came along with western lifestyles
that were alien to the traditional setting. Such western lifestyles included ways of dressing, types of food, etc. People who had acquired these lifestyles began to look down on the existing culture, represented by the chiefs. This also helped to reduce the
powers and influence of the traditional rulers.
1. Highlight six factors that contributed to the decline of the influence of traditional leaders under British colonial rule in
West Africa.
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