Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday 21 June 2016 / No comments
Why chiefs are barred from active politics in Ghana
Preservation of dignity and sanctity of chiefs
The type of politics practiced in Ghana is not the type that is always based on issues but rather sometimes, personalities are involved. A man of integrity could be taken to the cleaners for things based on falsehood and the good name of the candidate dragged in the mud. The chiefs are barred from contesting for political so that the image of chiefs and the institution thereof kept intact, devoid of insults.
The type of politics practiced in Ghana is not the type that is always based on issues but rather sometimes, personalities are involved. A man of integrity could be taken to the cleaners for things based on falsehood and the good name of the candidate dragged in the mud. The chiefs are barred from contesting for political so that the image of chiefs and the institution thereof kept intact, devoid of insults.
Prevent unity at the local level
Partisan politics is such that not all citizens belong to the same party. If chiefs are allowed to participate actively in politics, it only means some of his subjects will belong to the opposing party. This turn of events may lead to division at the local level and the chief may face dissension from his subjects.
Skewed development
Also, should a chief belong to a party in opposition to the ruling government, development projects may not be forthcoming to his locality. This is especially so in an African country like Ghana.
Partisan politics is such that not all citizens belong to the same party. If chiefs are allowed to participate actively in politics, it only means some of his subjects will belong to the opposing party. This turn of events may lead to division at the local level and the chief may face dissension from his subjects.
Skewed development
Also, should a chief belong to a party in opposition to the ruling government, development projects may not be forthcoming to his locality. This is especially so in an African country like Ghana.
Conflict of roles
Any chief who is actively involved in partisan politics may be compelled to abandon his duties as a chief. This may happen when he has to attend a rally or any political event that coincides with his duty call as a chief. It may even be that when the president of the day is to perform a national duty in the paramountcy of a chief in an opposition party, the chief may find it difficult to hold is position at the ceremony.
Chiefs cannot unify the people
A chief is expected to be the unifier of a community. He is supposed to be the embodiment of the people. If then the chief is involved in partisan politics, how can he unify the people? The chiefs are therefore barred from active politics so that they easily unite the people in his community.
A chief is expected to be the unifier of a community. He is supposed to be the embodiment of the people. If then the chief is involved in partisan politics, how can he unify the people? The chiefs are therefore barred from active politics so that they easily unite the people in his community.
Affect his neutrality
A chief is expected to help in settling disputes among his people. If a matter is brought before the chief and he passes judgment against a person belonging to another party, he may be accused of partiality. This accusation may be real or perceived but his position is already compromised. Hence the framers of the 1992 constitution of Ghana asserted that chiefs should not be involved in active politics.
1. Give five reasons for preventing chiefs
from active politics under the 1992 constitution.
2. Highlight five arguments for barring chiefs
from active partisan politics.
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