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In what ways are the divinities related to the Supreme Being in West African Traditional Religion?



The term Supreme Being is usually used in reference to deity or gods. This is common in monotheistic (one God) religions. One example of such is Christianity. In West African Traditional Religion too, there is a recognition of the Supreme Being though the religion is polytheistic (many gods). In this case, they recognize that there is a Supreme Being and addition, other divinities.

A divinity seen as a supernatural entity. It is a god or goddess. People worship them. It is believed that they have spiritual power and are able to influence the life the living, at least, some aspects of it. They are knowledgeable and creative. What is the relationship between the divinities and the Supreme Being?

The relationship between the supreme Being and divinities has been a subject of discussion, among both scholars and non-scholars, for many years. It is the intention of this article various ways in which divinities are related to Supreme Being in West African Traditional Religion.

In West African Traditional Religion, the divinities are related to the Supreme Being in a variety of ways. The Supreme Being is believed to be the creator of the universe and all its creatures

The divinities are seen as intermediaries between the Supreme Being and humanity.

In West African Traditional Religion, God is the Supreme Being and therefore humans are unable to directly go to God, except they pass through some other medium. That medium is the intermediary. The divinity intermediates the relationships humans have with the Supreme Being.

Through the divinities, humans are able to communicate with God. Human beings put before the intermediaries, their needs, fears, anxieties etc. These are carried to God the Supreme Being, and in return, the divinities return with guidance, and answered needs.

They act as messengers

Another type of relationship between the Supreme Being and the divinities in West African Traditional Religion is that they act as his messengers. They carry out this duty in many diverse ways. When people pray and make their requests or need known, it is believed that the needs and requests, are carried to the Supreme Being by the divinities. The divinities are also believed to carry instructions from the Supreme Being, to the people. They also convey the will of the Supreme Being to humans.

Protectors of the people

In West African traditional religion, divinities are the protectors of the people. They are capable of delivering the people so that no harm is able to befall them. In West African traditional religion, harm may take different forms. Physical harm is not the only type of harm that can befall a man, it could be spiritual, the people believe. Mental health is considered a form of harm. Even the ultimate harm, death, the divinities are believed to have the power to prevent from befalling the people.

Carrying out the will of the Supreme Being

The divinities also relate with the Supreme Being in West African traditional religion by carrying out his will. It is the will of God that his people be blessed, that rains must fall for them in due season, that they must have bountiful harvest, etc. When the people pray to God through the divinities, God hears their supplications and wants to act, it is believed that his will carried out by the divinities.

Divinities are also seen as helpers of the Supreme Being, doing his work in the world

Another aspect of the relationship between the Supreme Being and the divinities in West African traditional religion is that the divinities act as the spirit entities that carry out the will of the Supreme Being. It is the will of God that his people be blessed, that rains must fall for them in due season, that they must have bountiful harvest, etc. When the people pray to God through the divinities, God hears their supplications and acts in answer to the prayers of the people. God will is carried out by the divinities in answer to needs of the people.


In conclusion, the relationship between the Supreme Being and the divinities in West African traditional religion is not seen on the basis of equality. The people believe that the divinities have some powers to accomplish certain things but the ultimate power rests with the Supreme Being. It is a relationship of mutual respect. Each party recognizes its role and acknowledges the roles of the other.

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