Posted by Chester Morton / Sunday 14 May 2023 / No comments
How can a nation prevent and control alien invasive species like water hyacinths, water lettuce, hornwort and others?
One of the great threats to the health of aquatic ecosystems
and fisheries habitats is what is referred to as alien invasive species or AIS.
It is one of the greatest threats because the invasive alien species have the
capacity to outcompete the species native to the habitats and alter the
environment. Some of these invasive alien species include water hyacinth, water
lettuce, and hornwort. They are also able to spread diseases and parasites.
They can reduce the availability of food in the ecosystem. In this article, we
will discuss the various methods that can be employed to prevent and control
these alien invasive species so that countries can take control of their
fisheries habitat to make maximum gain from them.
Awareness creation
One of the most effective methods that can be used in the
prevention and control of alien invasive species is to create awareness. It is
probable that many people do not know about the negative effects of these alien
invasive species. People need to be aware, be able to identify the plants, its
mode of propagation etc., This awareness creation may take the form of public
campaigns using flyers, adverts on Television and radio, banners at vantage
points along water bodies. One can also use Social Media handles to drive this
awareness creation. Public discussions on the issue on radio and TV is another
option. These campaigns will educate people on the importance of preventing and
controlling the invasive alien species.
Screening at entry points
Another method to use in preventing and controlling the
alien invasive species is by screening people who enter the country through the
entry points. In many parts of the world, people use different routes to enter
another country. People may use land borders, air and Sea ports. Others may
even use unapproved routes as their point of entry. In all these cases,
measures must be put in place to ensure that whatever plant species or seeds
they are bringing in is properly scrutinized. This will ensure that if there
are any invasive alien species coming in, they can be seized and destroyed.
Countries can also prevent and control alien invasive
species by their enforcement of plant protection laws. The state must as a matter of agency pass
legislation, if they do not already exist, and make sure that these
legislations are enforced to the letter. Anyone who flouts these regulations
must be made to face the full rigours of the law. In Ghana, there is the Plant
Protection & Regulation Services Department of the Ministry of Agriculture
in Ghana. In Nigeria they have the Nigerian Agricultural Quarantine Service. In
Liberia, there is the Liberia Plant Protection Regulatory Services Bureau under
the Mistry of Agriculture. It is the candid opinion of this writer that if the
laws are enforced, it would lead to the prevention and control of these
invasive alien species.
Physical control
Though this method is labour intensive, alien invasive plant
species can be physically controlled. For example, gangs of young men can be
employed and transported to the Volta Lake, for example, where they would
manually cut water hyacinth into canoes and brought back ashore. Small boats
fitted with cutter can also be taken onto the water body to mechanically cut
these invasive plant species and brought ashore for onward destruction. This
can cut down on the rate of propagation.
Biological control
One can also prevent and control alien invasive species
biologically. Natural enemies of these species can be introduced into the
ecosystem to overpower them. For example, the natural enemies of water hyacinth,
like weevils, and beetles can be introduced into the space. Since the beetles
or weevils feed on these invasive species, it can suppress its growth. Also,
when sediments are removed from the bottom of the water, it can prevent or slow
down the rate of growth and spread.
Incentive and reward mechanisms
Also, we can use reward and incentives to prevent and
control alien invasive species. We cam institute a reward mechanism for
reporting sighting of alien invasive species in or on water bodies. For
instance, if an individual or organization reports sighting an alien invasive
species, that individual is rewarded in cash or in kind. If the rate of participation
is high and sightings are promptly reported, it can go a long way to control
water species like water hyacinth and water lettuce for example.
Research and development
Further research into the phenomenon of alien invasive
species is another method that can be used to control and prevent alien
invasive species. Where research and development is already established to
research into alien invasive species, governments can also support with funding
to ensure there is enough available to research into the issue and come up with
workable solutions to solve the problem.
Other methods that can be used include, public-private
partnerships, early warning and rapid response systems, promotion of best
practices, development of risk management mechanisms.
The complexity of the control and prevention of alien
invasive species is not something to be glossed over. Since this is a matter
national emergency, it is important for governments, businesses, and
individuals to come together and work to identify the sources of invasions and
to assess its effects the environment and subsequently on the economy. If the
above discussed methods are implemented, we can the impacts of alien invasive
species can be managed.
Also Read:
What are the characteristics of alien invasive species?
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