Posted by Chester Morton / Wednesday, 19 September 2018 / No comments
Types of voting

Voting refers to the process of selecting a candidate of one’s
choice. There are different ways of going about it but the most common is the
casting of a vote during a general elections.
Secret voting
This type of voting has become the norm during general
elections all over the world to elect people into office. A voter enters the
polling booth, hidden away from the public and casts his or her vote. In other
words, nobody can determine who the ballot was cast for. In other informal
secret balloting, people are asked to write down their preference on a piece of
paper and drop it in a container. The papers are picked and votes counted.
Nobody knows exactly who voted in what direction. One advantage of a secret
voting is that it prevents people from being victimized for voting in a
particular way.
Open voting
This is another type of voting. Here, everybody sees who
voted for which candidate. A voter goes to a polling station and joins the
queue openly showing who they are voting for. In Nigeria, it is called Option
A4. This type of voting may be adopted at formal or informal meetings where
people are only required to raise their hands for the votes to be counted. In
some parliaments, the Speaker may call for a head count if he or she is not too
sure about the numbers. It is used in the classroom where students raise their
hands to vote on an issue.
Proxy voting
This type of voting is adopted when the voter is so far away
from the constituency or the country that he cannot be physically present to
cast the vote. In such a case, another person is allowed to vote for him or her
so that the vote is not lost. This method is usually adopted for those who live
in other countries but want to participate in the political process of their home
Postal voting
As the name suggests, this type of voting is used for people
who live away from their state or country and for some reasons cannot be
present to vote on the day of the election. A ballot paper is provided to the
qualified voter and he or she selects a preferred candidate and posts the
ballot paper to a designated address to be factored into the vote count. The
vote cast must reach the offices of the Electoral Commission before or on

Straw vote
This system is used to determine the direction in which a
person is going to vote. This is similar
to an open vote but in this case, the vote is not yet official. It helps to
show how an electorate thinks about a given issue and how he or she is likely
to vote in the event that the vote is called. This system is applied in the
U.S. Senate voting. The public is likely to know beforehand the outcome of a
decision of the house when the vote eventually taken because the Senators
indicate how they are likely to vote.
Exit vote
This system is used to determine how an electorate voted in
an election. Usually, journalists or pollsters station just outside the polling
station. When a voter comes out of the polling station they ask who he or she
voted for. The results can be used to predict the general outcome of the polls.
Plural voting
This is a system of voting where some electorates are allowed
to vote more than once in the same election. This system is adopted to place a
premium on the opinion of highly educated people or people with a high level of
wealth. This is legal. It is different from people who illegally vote multiple
times to increase the votes of their preferred candidates in an election. This
one is illegal.
The importance of voting
Reasons why people abstain from voting
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