Posted by Chester Morton / Thursday, 16 August 2018 / No comments
Six reasons why sacred grooves must not be destroyed on grounds of modernity

Definition of a sacred groove
A sacred groove is a space of undisturbed land that has been
protected by local people through the use of religious beliefs, taboos and
other customary practices. In most cases, in West Africa, deities exist and are
worshipped by their adherents in the sacred grooves. Those who follow these
deities believe that they possess the powers to protect them at all times and
deliver them out of danger. There are several sacred grooves in West Africa.
For example, the Osun-Oshogbo Sacred Groove in Nigeria.
Centre for biodiversity conservation
The sacred grooves are full of different life forms. The
living creatures that live there are diverse, they include biotic and abiotic
types. It is for the presence of this biological diversity that the term biodiversity
was coined. In a sacred groove, there are several species making up the
ecosystem. No matter how small the species is, it has a function to perform.
The shear variety and numbers of species that can be found in the sacred
grooves ensures that all life forms can exist in a sustainable way, feeding on
available food in the groove. Sacred grooves therefore conserve biodiversity
and therefore must not be removed to make way for industrialization.
Conservation of flora
The over-exploitation of the forests, especially in West Africa,
has resulted in the loss of several hectares of flora. Those in the sacred
grooves however have largely remained untouched because of the protection provided
by the existence of taboos and the enforcement of other traditional values. The
existence of sacred grooves therefore helps the conservation of the trees and
Conservation of animals
Sacred grooves can serve as a refuge for animals, especially
the endangered species. This is becoming increasingly so because the natural
habitat of most animals are systematically being destroyed through
indiscriminate felling of trees and causing destruction to the remaining
forests. The sacred grooves happen to be some of the last natural forests still
standing almost undisturbed. Their existence therefore can serve as a place
animals can be conserved for posterity. The Tafi-Atome monkey sanctuary, in the
Volta Region of Ghana is a clear example. It is reputed to be providing
protection for four different species of monkeys.

Source of clean water
Cleverly, traditional people have created sacred grooves
around the sources of springs and river headwaters. There is little opportunity
to dump refuse in these grooves, mining of mineral resources are prohibited and
even entry is controlled. The absence of or the limited human activity in the
sacred grooves, ensures that the water that flows into the villages is clean.
Serves as a carbon sink
Human and industrial activities release carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere. This is harmful to the environment and contributes to the
depletion of the ozone layer, causing climate change. The sacred grooves serve
as a reservoir to absorb chemical compounds that contain carbon, through the
process of sequestration. The existence of more sacred grooves therefore has a
co-relationship to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is
therefore a very good decision not to destroy sacred grooves in the name of
Promote the sustainable utilization of flora and fauna
The sustainable utilization of flora and fauna is a
suggestion that the plants and animals in the sacred grooves can be literally
harvested in such a way that it will not damage the ecosystem or pose a threat
to the survival of the plants and animals. In the ancient times, farming and
hunting were prohibited in the sacred grooves but today, the pressures of
modernity and the desire to expand cities to accommodate more people is not
making the enforcement of this practice entirely possible. However, if usage of
the resources in the sacred grooves is controlled, it can promote the
sustainable utilization of the plants and animals there.
1. a. What is a sacred groove?
b. Give six reasons
why sacred grooves should be maintained in an industrialized society.
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