Posted by Chester Morton / Sunday, 15 April 2018 / No comments
Why it is importance to marry

Definition of marriage
Marriage can be described as a union between a man and woman
to live together as husband and wife, after they have gone through all the
processes or rites that are recognized by the families of both parties. The
marriage is a bond between two families and sometimes even after the marriage
is broke, the bond is not completely severed.
The surety of companionship
One of the basic things humans need is companions. A person
to share one’s sorrows and joys with, a person to whom love is extended and expected
in return, a person to console one when one is emotionally down. It is also a
union which helps one to avoid loneliness. One of the purposes of marriage is
to offer all these and more to the married couple.
Offers an avenue for procreation
In Ghana, one of the greatest expectations of marriages is
that the couple would deliver children to the society in order to perpetuate
the family line. Though it is common to find unmarried people having children,
marriage offers a generally accepted means to bear children.
To have legitimate sex
In Ghana, a woman who is less than 16years old is not
supposed to have sex because the law forbids that. So also, for some religious reasons,
persons who are not married are not expected to have sex though the desire for
sex kicks in at adolescence. Marriage is the legitimate avenue which allows one
to freely have sex with his or her legally married partner.
Gives a sense of adulthood
One of the expectations of society for both males and females
is that they get married when they grow up. One of the indications of adulthood
is marriage. Though this is not mainly determined by the age of the couple, the
society now recognizes them as having become fully grown and matured. They are
now allowed unfettered access in most adult discussions.
A license to make a home
Society is continuum, so a child grows to become a father or
mother. Marriage offers the chance for people to form their own home. A new
couple, therefore moves away from their parents and form their own nuclear
family, either close by of far away, sometimes in a new town or region.
To unite families or clans
Marriage is not only a union between two individuals but also
between two families and sometimes even clans and ethnic groups. As seen during
the marriage ceremonies, a lot of the members of both parties are brought
together. After the marriage, close blood affinities are established between
the two families, in some cases forever.
1. a. What is marriage?
b. Highlight six important reasons why people
get married.
The processes through which marriage is contracted
Why the bride price is important in traditional marriages
The processes through which marriage is contracted
Why the bride price is important in traditional marriages
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