Posted by / Monday 2 October 2017 / No comments

Some reasons why Jesus performed miracles

A miracle can be defined as any phenomenon that goes contrary to the laws of nature. Miracles formed one of the major aspects of Jesus’ ministry on earth. Jesus’ miracles can be grouped into four major areas, that is, healing miracles, nature miracles, resurrection of the dead and exorcism or casting out evil spirits.

There were several reasons why Jesus inculcated miracles into his ministry.

To display God’s love and mercy 
One of the reasons why Jesus used miracles was to exhibit the love and mercy of God toward the plight of human beings. In the healing of the leper, for example, it was because Jesus had pity on the person.

To prove his identity
Another reason why Jesus performed miracles was to show the people his identity as the Messiah. The Prophet Isaiah had written many years before Jesus was born, that the Messiah would heal the blind, the deaf, the lame, the dump and many others. Jesus’ miracles were to prove that he was the Messiah that Isaiah had written about.

As a means of arousing faith
Sometimes Jesus used miracles as a means of arousing faith in his followers and the benefactors of the miracles. When Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea, he aroused the faith of his disciples. Also, when he raised Jairus’ daughter, he also aroused the faith of the child’s father.

As an evidence of the presence of the kingdom of God
Another reason why Jesus performed miracles was to show that the kingdom of God had arrived through him (Jesus). For example, when Jesus was accused of employing the powers of Belzebub to cast our demons, he replied that if he is able to cast demons by the spirit of God, it means the kingdom of God had arrived.

As crusade against Satan
Jesus used healing miracles, for example, as a means of attacking the kingdom of Satan. After the seventy got back from their mission, they told Jesus how they performed miracles in his (Jesus’) name, Jesus said, “I beheld Satan fall like lightening from heaven”.

To win souls for God
Jesus used the miracles to attract followers to his ministry and subsequently to the kingdom of God. Other people, however, deny that this was the case.

To prove the need to fast and pray
One day Jesus’ disciples could not heal an epileptic who was brought to them until Jesus himself came to heal the child. Later, Jesus advised them that such miracles could be performed through fasting and prayer.

1. Highlight six reasons why Jesus performed miracles.

2. In which six ways were miracles important in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

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