Posted by / Tuesday 7 February 2017 / No comments

The Great Transfiguration

One day, Jesus took Peter, James and John to a very high mountain where he was transfigured before them.

His clothes became exceedingly white and Moses and Elijah appeared talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus that since they were present, he should allow them to build a booth for each of them. As Jesus was still speaking with them, a bright cloud appeared and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”

When the disciples heard the voice they were greatly surprised and bowed down their faces on the ground. Then Jesus came to touch them telling them not to fear. When they lifted their eyes, there was nobody with Jesus except him alone.

As they came back down the mountain, Jesus told the disciples not to tell anybody what they had just witnessed until he had been raised from the dead. Then the disciples, perplexed asked Jesus why it was said by the scribes that before Jesus, Elijah must precede? Jesus replied that Elijah had already come but the people did not recognize him, rather they did to him what they had done to all the messengers of God before him. Jesus also said they will do the same thing to the Son of man. Then the disciples understood that Jesus was referring to John the Baptist.

1. a. Give an account of the transfiguration of Jesus.
    b. What is the significance of the voice that was heard?

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