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The regular IR verbs in the present tense in French

Here is the conjugation of regular French verbs with infi nitives ending in -ir.

Present Tense of choisir         (to choose, to select)
je choisis                         nous choisissons
tu choisis                          vous choisissez
il/elle/on choisit                ils/elles choisissent

    Elles choisissent toujours des cours difficiles. They always pick difficult classes.
    —Tu ne choisis pas les mêmes? —Don’t you choose the same ones?
    Vous choisissez vos amis avec soin. You select your friends carefully.

Plural Forms of Regular -ir Verbs
Note the pronunciation and spelling of the plural forms of regular -ir verbs, in which -iss- [ees] is added between the verb stem (chois-) and the personal endings. Thus, regular -ir verbs have four different spoken forms.

je/tu/il/elle/on choisis/choisit [shwah-zee]
nous choisissons [shwah-zee-sOn]
vous choisissez [shwah-zee-say]
ils/elles choisissent [shwah-zees]

• Other regular -ir verbs include:
agir to act
finir (de), fi nir par (_ inf.) to fi nish; to end up (by doing)
réfléchir (à) to refl ect (on), to consider
remplir to fi ll (up); to fi ll out
réussir (à) to succeed (in); to manage (to)

Ma mère agit toujours raisonnablement.   My mother always acts reasonably.                     Ils remplissent les formulaires.                     They fill out the forms.
Tu réussis à contacter notre prof?                Are you managing to contact our professor?
Vous finissez bientôt?                       Will you be fi nished soon?

• The verb réfl échir (to refl ect on, contemplate) requires à before a noun.
Nous réfléchissons aux questions.   We are thinking about the questions.
—Moi, je réfléchis à l’avenir.                 —Me, I am contemplating the future.

À contracts with the definite articles le and les to form au and aux. La and l’ do not contract with à.

The verb réussir is used with à before an infi nitive and before a noun in the expression réussir à un examen (to pass an exam).
Je réussis à terminer mon projet           I am managing to finish my project.
      D’habitude, ils réussissent à leurs examens     Usually, they pass their exams.

Finir is followed by the preposition de before an infi nitive. Finir par _ infinitive means to end up (by) doing something.
Tu finis de travailler à trois heures?  
Do you finish work(ing) at three o’clock?

Nous finissons souvent par parler avec le patron.  
We often end up talking with the boss.

• Many verbs that describe physical change or transformation are regular -ir verbs.
blanchir (to bleach, whiten) pâlir (to grow pale)
brunir (to tan; to brown) ralentir (to slow down)
élargir (to widen, broaden) rétrécir (to shrink, grow smaller)
grandir (to grow up) rougir (to blush, grow red)
grossir (to gain weight) salir (to get dirty)
jaunir (to yellow) vieillir (to grow old, age)
maigrir (to lose weight)

Nous ralentissons devant l’école. We slow down in front of the school.
Roméo rougit en présence de Juliette.  Romeo blushes when he’s with Juliette.
Les enfants grandissent vite! Children grow up fast!
Je vieillis dans ce boulot! I am growing old in this job!

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