Posted by Chester Morton / Sunday 22 January 2017 / No comments
The demands of the National Congress of British West Africa
The national Congress of British West Africa was formed in
1917 through the initiatives of Mr. J.E. Casely Hayford of the Gold Coast.
Another founding member was Dr. Akinwade Savege, a Nigerian then resident in the Gold Coast.
One of the demands of the National Congress of West Africa
was that they wanted to be given the opportunity to take charge of their own
affairs. In other words, they wanted to be participants in the political
process of their respective countries.
Independent judiciary
The Congress also demanded for the judicial system to be independent
of the Executive Council. They also wanted African judges and magistrates to be
appointed and a West African Court of Appeal be created as the highest court of
appeal in the British West African sub-region.
Only African kingmakers to appoint chiefs
Another demand of the Congress was that the selection,
enstoolment and deposition of African chiefs must the sole preserve of the
African kingmakers and not be interfered with by the governor or his assigns.
Elective principle
The Congress demanded that in the selection of
representatives into the Legislative and Executive councils, the elective
principle must be used. They felt that this could give the Africans the opportunity
to elect the people who should rule over them.
Provision of social amenities
It was the demand of the Congress that improved social
facilities must be provided for the people of West Africa. This included
educational and medical facilities in the four British colonies. This, they demanded, must include the establishment of a West African University.
Equal economic opportunities
The Congress demanded that the Africans must also be allowed
to participate in the economic activities in the colonies which by that time was
dominated by the Europeans, Syrians, Indians and the Lebanese.
1. a. What is the National Congress of British West Africa?
b. Highlight five
demands of the Congress.
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