Posted by Chester Morton / Sunday 15 January 2017 / No comments
The call of Isaiah the Prophet
The experience of Isaiah took place in the year King Uzziah died
and his experience is said to have taken place in the Temple of Solomon.
Isaiah saw God sitting on his throne in heaven where He was highly
lifted up. God’s seraphim were present. According to Isaiah, each of the
seraphs had six wings. The first pair, they used to cover their face, the second
pair, they used to cover their feet and the middle two they used in propelling
themselves around.
The Seraphim sung to the holiness of God. They said, “Holy,
holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.” As they
did so, Isaiah felt the foundations of the Temple of Solomon trembling and the place filled with smoke.
When Isaiah beheld this scene, the King and the Lord of
hosts, he felt very unclean before the holiness he was looking at. He
acknowledged that he was a man of unclean lips and dwelt among people with the
same type of lips. He said, "Woe is me! For I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips."
Suddenly, one of the seraphs took a burning coal from the
altar and flew toward Isaiah. He touched Isaiah’s lips with the burning coal.
The seraph said as he did so that as the burning coal had touched his lips,
Isaiah’s guilt was taken away and his sins forgiven.
Then Isaiah heard a voice calling “whom shall I send and who
will go for as?” According to Isaiah, he said, “Here am I, send me.”
Thus Isaiah was called into the ministry to preach the words
of God to the people.
Control over the entire universe
One of the significant points to mention is the fact that God
was not only the King or God of Israel but he was also the king of the entire
world. This is why, in the vision, the whole earth was full of his glory. His holiness is not
restricted to the temple alone but extends to the entire earth.
Isaiah’s self consciousness of sin
Another significant point to mention is the fact of how Isaiah
felt before the Lord. By saying that, “Woe is me! For I am lost, for I am a man
of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people with unclean lips”, Isaiah
was confirming how inseparably linked his sins were to those of the people among whom
he lived.
Purification of the prophet
The cleansing of the lips of Isaiah was an indication that
the prophet himself needed to be cleansed before he could carry the message to the
people. This was the first time a prophet’s lips had to be cleaned to qualify
to do the work of the Lord.
1. The purity of God
2. The righteousness of God
3. The majesty of God
1. a. Describe the encounter between Isaiah and the Lord of
hosts in the Temple of Solomon.
b. In which three
ways is this encounter significant?
2. a. Narrate the story of the call of Isaiah.
b. Describe three
ways in which God calls his servants in your country today.
3. a. “Woe is me! For I am lost, for I am a man of unclean
lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.” Trace the
circumstances that led to the making of this statement. How did the maker of
this statement react to God’s search for a person to send?
b. List three
aspects of God that was revealed in this experience.
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