Posted by / Friday 23 December 2016 / No comments

The demerits of a decentralized system of Government

Definition of decentralization
Decentralization can be defined as that system of government in which some administrative powers of the central government is knowingly transferred from a higher level of authority to a lower level of authority. In other words, power could be transferred from the central government to regional or district units.

Difficulty in getting qualified personnel
One of the disadvantages of decentralization is that it is difficult to get qualified personnel who would accept posting to the towns and villages. This is especially so in developing countries where there is the lack of some very important social amenities in some districts. Everybody highly qualified person wants to remain in the big cities.

May lead to inefficiency
Where there is the absence of qualified personnel, the government is compelled to hire anybody who is willing to be posted to the hinterlands. The result is that the output of such people does not measure up to what is required for optimum success.

Stifles uniform development
Another disadvantage of decentralization is that some districts that are motivated tend to develop faster than others. Apart from that some districts get highly qualified people to work there so they are able to come up with policies that inure to the benefit of the locality and those with lowly qualified personnel suffer. In the end, the pattern of development is not uniform.

It is expensive
The institutions of state that help in the running of the country need to be deployed in all parts of the country to render similar services to the people at the grassroots. This calls for the building of structures and the hiring of personnel to man them. These personnel have to be remunerated appropriately. This makes the practice of decentralization a very expensive venture.

Divide loyalty
Though decentralization brings government to the doorstep of the people, what happens is that the people begin to see the government close to them as the only government to relate to. For this reason, their loyalties are to the government close to them and drop. their level of loyalty to the central government.

May lead to secession
Where there is too much decentralization, the governments at the regional and districts may feel too independent and may begin to think they could stand on their own. This may lead to the tendency to break away from the centre and if care is not taken, it may lead to all out war.

1. a. What is decentralization?
    b. Highlight five disadvantages of decentralization.

2. Advance six reasons why some countries do not practice decentralization.

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