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How to promote political participation in a country

Definition of political participation
Political participation can be defined as the voluntary activities of the citizens of a country in selecting rulers to formulate and implement policies on behalf of the people.

Political education
One of the ways of promoting political participation is to educate the people on political issues. There are constitutionally mandated institutions of state that are charged with the responsibility of educating the citizens. Apart from the constitutionally mandated bodies, there are other Non-governmental organizations, whose activities educate the people on how to take part in the political process.

Public opinion
Public opinion is the sum of all views held by the people on a particular issue at a particular time. Any government that is tolerant of diverse opinions on issues is able to encourage the electorates to participate in the political process.

Respect for the fundamental human rights of the people
Another way of engendering political participation in a state is for governments to ensure that the fundamental human rights of the people are respected. If this is not the case, a culture of silence would emerge. People would refuse to be part of the political process. Respect for human rights therefore encourages political participation.

Responsible government
When the government of the day is responsible and accountable to the people, it can encourage the people to participate in the political process of their country. The government of the day must try to be transparent about its dealings with the people. Once this is done, it would naturally encourage the people to participate in the political process.

Availability of basic needs
The government must make available to the people basic needs such as water, food, shelter and other social amenities like hospitals, schools, markets, recreational facilities etc. The effect of the provision of these amenities is that it would take the minds of the people from thinking about the absence such things and direct it towards other things including politics.

Encouraging people
Sometimes, just encouraging the people to be part of the political process would do the trick.

1. Highlight six ways in which citizens can be encouraged to participate in the political process of their country.

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