Posted by Chester Morton / Saturday, 15 October 2016 / No comments
The disadvantages of Indirect Rule

Chiefs became despotic
One of the disadvantages of Indirect Rule is that some of the African chiefs became
authoritarian in their approach to local governance. This was because the
colonial masters had bestowed on them more powers than would otherwise have
been accorded them under their tradition
Sidelined the educated elite
The educated elite were not involved
in the operations of the institutions of Indirect Rule. They were not involved
in the collection of taxes, not in the administration of justice and not in
maintenance of law and order.
Dilemma of chiefs
The British used native chiefs who
were traditionally qualified and were enstooled by the people, therefore, the
people expected the chiefs to act in their interest. On the other hand, the
British expected that since they were giving the orders, the chiefs have to tow
their line. It was sometimes difficult for the chiefs to please both the
British and the people at the same time.

Puppets of the British
The chiefs were used to do all the
spade work on the ground for the colonial powers. In other words, the chiefs were used to implement the
programmes of the colonialists under Indirect Rule. The local people, on the other hand saw the
chiefs as puppets, dancing to the tunes of the colonialists, so they lost their respect
for them.
Divide and rule
Under Indirect Rule, the British
drove a wedge between the chiefs and the educated elite buy giving more powers
to the chiefs, much to the detriment of the educated elite. This brought about
bitter rivalry between the two.
Imposition of unqualified chiefs
The idea of Indirect Rule was that
the local chiefs should be used for local administration. However, sometimes
the British imposed unqualified chiefs on the people. These unqualified chiefs
never commanded the absolute respect of the natives.
1. a. Explain the concept of Indirect Rule. [2 marks]
b. Highlight five disadvantages of Indirect Rule. [10 marks]
The features of Indirect Rule in West Africa
The advantages of Indirect Rule
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The features of Indirect Rule in West Africa
The advantages of Indirect Rule
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