Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 9 August 2016 / No comments
The advantages of Mediation

Mediation is one of the forms of
Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR) in trying to resolve a conflict outside
the courts.
Mediation involves someone serving as
a neutral or impartial third party. The mediator helps the disputants to
resolve their differences. The
mediator is not there to impose decisions. The
parties eventually come up with their own solutions to settle the dispute. Even
if some aspects of the dispute remain unresolved, the mediation can
help/encourage parties to agree on some issues and reduce the issues they do
not agree upon.
It may be better than other dispute
resolution methods
According to some surveys, ninety
percent of people who mediated their cases felt that mediation was a good way
to address the dispute even though they did not reach agreement on all of the
A relief for the poor
Mediation can help poorer segment of
the society to participate in conflict resolution in cases where they could not
afford a lawyer for traditional litigation.
Less intimidating
The informal nature of mediation
makes it less intimidating to people who view the government or judicial system
with suspicion or fear.
Helps build compromise
The increased use of mediation in a
community can help build a culture of compromise among the people. It
encourages the use of non-confrontational ways to address conflicts,
Personal relationships are left
The above also means that mediation
makes it easier for business or personal relationships to be left undamaged to
allow for future constructive deadlines. Mediation is thus “win/win” rather
than a “win/lose” solution. In litigation, someone wins and celebrates while
someone loses and is bitter, and may seek revenge. But in mediation, both sides
may end up as winners.
Dwells on current issues
Mediation is also praised for being
forward-looking. It dwells on the issues/ disputes at stake, how they can be
resolved and what to do to avoid a recurrence of similar problems in the
future. In litigation or in arbitration, the focus is on the past. That is, who
is guilty in the current situation?
Participants control the outcome
Under mediation, the parties involved in the
dispute are the ones who create an agreement that works for them. This is
unlike litigation or arbitration, where the judge or arbitrator imposes an
1. a. What is mediation?
b. Highlight five advantages of mediation.
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