Posted by Chester Morton / Wednesday, 11 May 2016 / No comments
The benefits of belonging to the Commonwealth of Nations

Employment opportunity
Many qualified citizens of member countries have found
employment with the Commonwealth of Nations after scaling through the required
qualification processes. This has put
food on their tables and some of the monies earned have been repatriated to
their countries of origin.
Promotes education
Some member states have consistently offered scholarships to
citizens of other member states to pursue courses in higher learning. Some of
these countries include Canada, Britain, Australia and now India. Citizens of
member countries have benefited greatly from these gestures. This has helped
citizens of the Commonwealth to horn their skills in various fields of study.
Promotion of Democracy
The Commonwealth of Nations has been consistent in sending
election observer teams to member states to monitor elections. This, among
other things, is to ensure free and fair elections thereby promoting democracy
in member countries. The Commonwealth also gives financial support to the
Electoral Commissions of member countries to conduct credible elections.

Military Assistance
The wealthy member states of the Commonwealth sometimes
provide military hardware to the less developed member states to boost the
equipment level of the armies of those countries. They also help in the
training and re-training of officers and men from other member states. Officers
of member states have attended some of the best military training institutions
in Britain and Canada.
Assistance to war-torn member countries
Member state of the Commonwealth of Nations also benefits from
assistance given in reconstruction after a war has ravaged the state. After the
civil war in Sierra Leone, for example, most of their infrastructures were
destroyed. The Commonwealth has been assisting Sierra Leone to rebuild her
damaged infrastructure.

Benefits from sports
The Commonwealth, for example, has instituted a sporting
event called the Commonwealth Games where athletes and performers in other
sporting disciplines have proven their worth in field and track events. Many
sportsmen and women of member countries have benefited by using the
commonwealth Games as a springboard to the world stage of games and athletics.
This has helped to improve upon the health status of participants.
1. Highlight six benefits member states of the Commonwealth
expect to derive from their membership.Related Posts