Posted by Chester Morton / Tuesday, 5 April 2016 / No comments
The disadvantages of Public Opinion

Definition of opinion polls
An opinion poll involves the use of a representative number of people and asking them specific questions on
particular issues. Their responses are then scientifically analyzed to arrive
at what percentage of people is saying what on a particular issue.
Can be dangerous in an election year
The election years, especially, opinion polls
are conducted by pollsters and findings published for consumption. The danger
here is that if the final results fail to agree with the results of the polls,
it may lead to confusion and probable accusations of electoral fraud.
Results not always accurate
Public opinion polls are not exact. That is why
after pollsters have conducted their polls, they leave a margin of error. This
is a standard practice all over the world, so the existence of a margin of error
is ample proof that the results of the polls are no exactitude.
Some respondent do not provide truthful answers
When people have motion cameras pointed at them,
they become jittery and just say anything that comes into their mind. The
responses of such people can therefore not be entirely accurate.
Disincentive to voting
In Ghana, for example, Mr. Ben Ephson, a renowned
pollster has, through his election polls over the years, predicted very close
to accurate the results elections. The danger is that where such polls results
are released, voter apathy can set in for voters whose parties are predicted to
lose the coming election.
Empty Campaign Coffers
Where opinion poll results show that a party,
for instance, shall lose an election, it is very difficult to convince
contributors to the political campaign war chest. This can affect the fortunes
of the party during the elections.
Bandwagon effect
A bandwagon effect refers to the concept where
people think in a certain direction because most people are thinking in that
direction. In election years especially, some people look at how the majority
of people are voting and decide to vote in that direction too.
1. a. What is an opinion poll? [2 marks]
Highlight five disadvantages of opinion polls. [10 marks]
2. Examine six disadvantages of opinion polls
[12 marks]
3. Discuss three advantages and three
disadvantages of opinion polls. [12 marks]
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