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Types of Pressure Groups

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Meaning of Pressure Group
A pressure group can be defined as a group of people, who come together with the sole aim of influencing government policies and laws in their favour. The Ghana Bar Association and Ghana National Association of Teachers are few examples of pressure groups.
Professional pressure group
One of the many types of pressure groups is the professional pressure groups. The members of this type of pressure are of the same profession. They receive the same training and function in the same way. They come together with the sole aim of influencing government policies and programmes in their favour. Examples of such pressure groups include Ghana Bar Association (G.B.A.) and Ghana Medical Association (G.M.A.).
Economic Pressure Groups
Another type of pressure group is the economic pressure group. The members of this pressure group work in the same industry or do the same type of business. Their main aim is influence government policies favour them and to promote the interest of their members. Examples include the industrial and Commercial Workers Union, Trade Union Congress and Agricultural Workers Union.

Educational Pressure Group
Another type of pressure group is the educational pressure group. The members of this group are either students or staffs of an academic institution like the Universities or polytechnics. Examples of educational pressure group include, the Teachers and Educational Workers Union, the National Union of Ghanaian Students and the Ghana National Association of Polytechnic Students.

Religious Pressure Groups
There are also groups that can be described as religious pressure groups. The members of this group also come together with the sole aim of influencing government policies in their favour. They, for example, will support any government policy that promotes religious freedom and will oppose any government policy that tries to stifle religious freedom and plurality. A few of these types of pressure group include, Christian Religious Groups the Christian Council of Ghana.

Promotional Pressure Groups
The members of this type of pressure group do not necessarily benefit directly from their own operations. The benefactors of their actions are people they may not even directly know. The Centre for Democratic Development can be classified as a promotional pressure group because it tends to champion the practice of democratic principles in Ghana.

 1. a. What is a pressure group? [2 marks]
    b. Highlight five types of pressure groups. [10 marks]
 2. Identify and explain with relevant examples six types of pressure groups. [12 marks] 

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