Posted by Chester Morton / Friday 1 April 2016 / No comments
The definition of History and the importance of studying it
History can be
defined as that branch of knowledge dealing with past events. It is also
described as a continuous and systematic narrative of past events as they
relate to a particular people, country, period, and person etc., usually
written in a chronological order.
African history concerns
itself with the study of the way of life of Africans and people of African
descent as it existed in the past and how this relates to the Africans’ way of
life over the ages. African history was not a popular area of study until after
1960 when most African countries under colonial rule became independent. That was
when serious attention was given to the study of African history.
Africa as the
Cradle of Humankind
Research has established
that Africa is the only continent where there is evidence of man's early life
on this planet. If this research is accurate, then the study of African
history, by students of history, must be of immense academic importance.
Relating the
Past to the Present
Studying history
helps to relate Africa’s past to its present. Also, it is important to study
the history of Africa since it assists the individual to relate Africa's past
to the present so as to afford the opportunity for the continent to forge
Identify Stages
of African Development
The study of
African history helps the student to identify the various stages of the Africa’s
developments as it relates to the other continents. It also helps to genuinely
compare the past to the present situations of Africa and determine how far the continent
has developed in the course of time.
Proof that White
Superiority is a Myth
The study of African
history enables the individual to clear his/her mind of the wrong impression that
Africa and the African had no history before the advent of white Europeans.
Through the study of history, the myth of the superiority of the white man can
be broken.
Skills and
Values Acquisition
The study of
history helps in the acquisition of relevant skills and values that are inherent
in the lives of our forefathers. Such skills include the heroic deeds of African
ancestors and their sense of patriotism. These values could be a source of inspiration
to the students of African history.
Expand Knowledge
Base of Students about other People
Students acquire
information about practices and ways of life of other people in the rest of
Africa, in addition to that of his own country. Students can acquire knowledge
about the origination other ethnic groups and their social and political
activities and also the remote causes of certain conflicts.
1. Highlight six
ways in the study of African history is important.
2. Explain six bases
for the study of the history of Africa.
3. Give five
reasons for studying History.
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