Posted by Chester Morton / Saturday 12 March 2016 / No comments
The resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew
After the Sabbath, getting towards the early morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb.
After the Sabbath, getting towards the early morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb.
There was a great earthquake before their arrival and an angel of the Lord had come down from heaven and
had rolled the stone from the entrance of the tomb and had sat on it. The
appearance of the angel was like lightning and his dress was as white as snow.
At his coming, the guards fainted.
The angel told the women not to
fear. He said he knew the women were looking for Jesus who was crucified. Then
he informed them that Jesus had risen as he had said while he was alive.
He invited the women to come and
see where Jesus had laid and quickly go and tell the disciples that Jesus had
risen from the dead. The angel told the women that Jesus had gone ahead of them to
Galilee and that they shall meet him there.
The women left the tomb quickly
with fear, mixed with joy. They run to tell the disciples. On the way, Jesus met
them and greeted them. They worshiped him. Jesus told them not to be afraid
but rather go and tell the disciples to go ahead to Galilee where they shall
meet him.
1. One significant thing about this account is that the fact that it tries to tell the living that anybody who dies in the Lord shall resurrect on the last day.
2. The story is also significant because it shows that there is hope for those who profess the Christian faith.
3. The account also gives an assurance to Christians
that the God they worship is a living God.
1. a. Narrate the story of the
resurrection and appearance of Jesus to the women in the gospel of Matthew.
b. In which three ways is the significance
of the resurrection to Christians?
2. a. Give an account of the
resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew.
b. What three lessons can be learned from
the resurrection story by Matthew?
The resurrection of Jesus according to Luke
The resurrection of Jesus according to Mark
Answers to the objective questions above>>
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The resurrection of Jesus according to Luke
The resurrection of Jesus according to Mark
Test One
1. Why do you seek the living among the
dead? This statement was made by the
a. Angel of the
b. Apostles of Jesus Christ
c. Guards at the tomb
d. Women who went to the tomb
2. Who among the disciples did Jesus
appear to on his way to Emmaus?
a. Peter
b. Barnabas
c. Cleopas
d. Simon of Cyrene
3. “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem
who does not know the things that have happened there these days? This question
was asked on the way to
a. Galilee
b. Mount Olivet
c. Emmaus
d. Bethany
4. Cleopas and his friends recognized the
resurrected Christ by the
a. Way He broke the
b. Way He spoke to them
c. References Jesus made to the kingdom of
d. References Jesus made to the Old
5. Which of the following groups,
according to Mathew, bribed the guards to tell lies about the resurrection of
a. Sadducees
b. Sanhedrin.
c. Scribes
d. Chief Priest
6. “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations” Jesus said these words after
a. The resurrection
b. Calling the twelve apostles.
c. Healing the Gerasene demoniac.
d. Sending the seventy disciples.
7. According to Luke, the resurrection
appearance lasted for
a. 20 days
b. 30 days
c. 40 days
d. 50 days
8. The greatest proof of the resurrection
story of Jesus was the
a. Report of the guard of the tomb.
b. Empty tomb
c. Message of the woman
d. Revelation by the angels.
9. The disciples of Jesus believed that he
rose from the death because
a. The sepulcher was empty
b. He appeared to
c. The women told them
d. There was an earthquake
10. According to Luke, the risen Christ first
appeared to
a. Andrew and John
b. Peter and James
c. Paul and Barnabas
d. The two men on
the way to Emmaus
11. When the guards reported the incident of
the empty tomb, the Jewish authorities asked them to say that
a. Jesus disciples
had stolen the body
b. The claim of the resurrection was false
c. Jesus had truly risen and gone to
d. Nobody should believe the disciples
12. “Oh foolish men, and slow of heart to
believe all that the prophets have spoken” Was said by Jesus to the
a. Disciples after He had stilled the
b. The two men
travelling to Emmaus
c. The High Priest and counseling members
during his trial
d. The disciples when He met them in Galilee
after the resurrection.
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