Posted by / Saturday 12 March 2016 / No comments

Jesus' teachings on forgiveness

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning others for any offense that they may have committed against you. While Jesus was on earth, he taught the disciples about forgiveness.

He taught the people that if they do not forgive the sins of others, there is no divine forgiveness from God for them. For example, in the beatitudes, Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”. Again in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught them to pray for forgiveness of sins as they themselves forgive one another. This is further supported by the parable of the unmerciful servant, who refused to forgive his brother a little even though he was forgiven much.

Jesus taught that there must be no limit to the number of times a brother may offend you and you forgive. When Peter asked Jesus whether he must forgive his brother only seven times, Jesus said not seven times but seventy times seven times.

Jesus also taught one can be forgiven if they show so much remorse. In the story of the woman with the Alabaster jar of ointment in Simon’s house, Jesus saw the show of remorse on the woman’s face and decided to forgive her sins.

Jesus taught that anybody who has the right relationship with God can forgive sins. Jesus claimed the authority to forgive sins when he healed the paralytic. On that occasion, Jesus stated that the Son of Man has the authority to forgive sins.

Jesus also said, no matter how much our sins, he loves man so much that he is ready to forgive his sins. This is illustrated by the story of the parable of the prodigal son. A son went away with half of his father’s property but when he realized his faults and came back, the father accepted him. The man in the parable is likened to God and the son is likened to sinners.

Finally, Jesus also taught that every sin can be forgiven but the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven.

1. Forgiveness draws us closer to God.
2. It brings peace among humanity.
3. Forgiveness brings about genuine reconciliation.
4. It opens the floodgates for God to forgive the forgiver.
5. Forgiveness can lead to healing like the paralytic was healed by Jesus.
6. Forgiveness brings peace of mind to the one who forgives.

1. a. Explain Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness.
   b. In which three ways is forgiveness important?
2. a. Discuss the teachings of Jesus on forgiveness.
    b. In which three ways does forgiveness benefit the forgiver?

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